Let’s Grow Hydroponics!!! Step One. Figuring it Out.


My goal is to transform part of my den into a growing station. It’s about 8 1/2 feet wide by seven feet high. The plants could hang directly in front of a sliding glass door. We’ve opened it exactly three times in the months that we have lived here; we won’t miss it.

This is the hypothesis. With a little bit of know how and an intelligent use of space and resources, one can grow whatever one needs within the space that one has. It has already been proven by dozens, if not hundreds of urban farmers. Now it’s my turn.

I am no expert. I’m not even a beginner, which makes this all the more exciting. There are a whole lot of stories floating around, suggesting that we are headed towards a food shortage. I see it all of the time on Facebook. It must be true, right?

That means, the only way that we can insure that everyone will be fed is if everyone takes matters into their own hands and becomes food vigilantes. Sowhatatl is about.

Over the next few months I will be experimenting with a few different, basic, hydroponic methods, and writing about it, reeaaaalll simple like. Small words. Plain talk. Writing is how I develop an understanding of things. It’s also how you spread the word.

This, by the way, is my holy grail.


I know… sexy, right?

But you have to crawl before you walk.

Next week, for example, I am going to sprout some seeds. Then I’m going to start to play around with some of the more simple, DIY hydroponic tutorials out there.

Why hydroponics? Because when I lived in Philadelphia we had 1,000 square feet apartments. Although I now have a front and back yard, I seek knowledge that can be implemented anywhere, by anyone.

I’m hype on hydro. Read more here.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Grow Hydroponics!!! Step One. Figuring it Out.

  1. Pingback: If We Don’t go Back to the Farm, We Have to Bring the Farm to Us! |

  2. Pingback: If We Don’t go Back to the Farm, We Have to Bring the Farm to Us! |

  3. Pingback: If We Don’t go Back to the Farm, We Have to Bring the Farm to Us! |

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