3 Rules of Meditation from a Kung Fu Fighter. (Really)

These are the three concepts of meditation from Sihing Kuttel.
Meditation is one of those things that we all need to begin doing, right away. The benefits are too numerous to mention, but range from reducing anxiety to increasing your creativity.
And it’s not complicated. In fact, some would say that Kuttel has two too many rules. Those of you who want to reduce this to it’s lowest common element, just stop thinking… NOW.
I, on the other hand, needed a little bit of help. I tend to over think things, which is exactly what you shouldn’t be doing when you meditate.
So, let’s break it down.
Steps one and two involve the breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Your breathing patterns are absolutely linked to your state if mind. When your anxious your breathing becomes more shallow. By becoming conscious of your breath, you begin to create a more calming and holistic breathing pattern.
Step three. Thinking. You can either attack your thoughts as they arise, or just let them linger without focusing on them. I prefer the latter.
There. If you didn’t know how to meditate, now you do.
Who is Shihing Kuttel? Some kung fu dude from out West. Apparently he wields a mean sharpie, and he seems like a nice guy.

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